Professional Learning
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Te Pā Rea Rangatira
National Centre for Educational Leadership
Māori Education & Support
Kaupapa Māori
Pacific-Led Education
Cultural competencies
Languages, Culture & Identity
Learning languages
Literacy and Numeracy
Strengthening skills
Mō mātou

About Us

Tui Tuia | Learning Circle empowers Kāhui Ako, kaiako, teachers, school leaders and tumuaki to achieve better outcomes for students and learners.

All languages are to be treasured

Languages, Culture & Identity

We offer programmes, workshops, in-person classroom support, online support and resources to help strengthen language learning in New Zealand schools.

Cultural competencies

Pacific-Led Education

Empowering educators, students, and communities to shape a future of educational excellence that is firmly rooted in Pacific identity and aspirations.

Improving instructional dexterity

Literacy and Numeracy

We work with schools to build the literacy and numeracy capability of school leaders and teachers to accelerate learning outcomes for all students.



Tui Tuia | Learning Circle's language programmes are designed to support strengthening language teaching in schools at primary and secondary levels.

Our Workshops and Immersion weekends are well-attended, and for a more structured programme, consider our GROW programmes and Strengthening Asia Pacific Language Teaching programmes.

We also have one-off workshops available throughout the year.

Yvonne Lim, director

GROW programmes

Build a strong foundation for your language teaching with a year of immersive, inspiring workshops!

Through a mix of face-to-face and online sessions, along with in-school support, the GROW programme helps you develop language teaching skills to take back to your classroom. You’ll also form connections with other language-teaching kaiako, for a strong network of inter-school support.

Watch our introduction video below to learn more!

Strengthening Asia-Pacific Language Teaching

Our Asia-Pacific programmes support language learning through connections with fluent speakers and other language teachers. Cluster-based and mentored by our facilitator team, the programmes use a combination of face-to-face sessions, online meetings, and in-school support to help teachers develop their language teaching skill sets. There is a language study option with a grant-in-aid available.

Workshops – Focused learning infusions

Based on specific areas of language, culture, or teaching practice, our one-off workshops are an opportunity for quick, focused knowledge-building. Take a look at our course listings for dates, or if you’d like to organise a one-off workshop for teachers in your area, get in touch at
Kaffeeklatsch und Feierabend

Kaffeeklatsch und Feierabend

Get to know our German National Language Adviser online after school to connect and discuss any upcoming initiatives over a virtual coffee break.

Celebrating the Chinese Moon Festival and Exploring Matariki Connections

Celebrating the Chinese Moon Festival and Exploring Matariki Connections

This workshop will celebrate the Chinese Moon Festival while exploring and comparing the cultural connections between the Chinese Moon Festival and the Māori Matariki Festival.

おにぎり🍙 Make, Eat, Connect!

おにぎり🍙 Make, Eat, Connect!

Have you ever made onigiri? The ones you'll make in this workshop might be too cute to eat! Join our hands-on workshop - Make, Eat, Connect!

Le Café Virtuel

Le Café Virtuel

Come and enjoy a virtual drink and a French chat online.

Using kauri dieback as a local environmental topic

Using kauri dieback as a local environmental topic

Learn about how one of Aotearoa’s most special natural taonga, the kauri, is under threat and explore ways to integrate this uniquely New Zealand environmental topic into your lessons.

Expressions francophones - Canada

Expressions francophones - Canada

Enrich your French idioms by learning expressions from our cousins in the "Great White North".

Celebrating Chinese Culture in Auckland Schools

Celebrating Chinese Culture in Auckland Schools

Would you like your students to experience Chinese culture in schools? Explore a variety of Chinese cultural activities for Auckland schools!

Immersion Day 2024

Immersion Day 2024

Are you going to the NZALT Conference in Auckland this coming July? Join us for an immersion experience on Saturday 6 July before the Conference starts!

Expressions francophones: Polynésie française

Expressions francophones: Polynésie française

Enrich your French idioms by learning expressions from our cousins.


Immersion programmes

Fully immersing yourself in another culture is the best way to grow your language knowledge. Our short, intensive immersion courses involve spending two or three weeks in an overseas setting , putting your language knowledge into practice. Designed to help teachers improve their language confidence, cultural understanding, and teaching, these programmes have seen New Zealand teachers travel to Spain, China, Japan, Germany and Tahiti.

Grants to advance success in learning languages

The languages team are always looking for new ways to support teachers in their development: whether they are wanting to upskill in their target language, implement a new language programme or develop an existing one.

We offer various grants at different stages throughout the year that will support teachers, their students, and the wider community. Please see below for our available grants and apply for those that may suit your current needs.
Ko ngā kōrero angitū

Making an impact

Hear from educators whose practice have been positively impacted by our innovative approach to learning and professional development.

Japan Foundation Seminar Sydney

Thank you so much, Tui Tuia and The Japan Foundation for such an awesome experience. I am so excited to use the activities and resources that were shared. The other teachers were great to meet and I look forward to keeping in touch with them.

Jennie Sieczynski, John Paul II High School, Greymouth

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Improving my Japanese

I am able to improve my Japanese during the session but also we share some thoughts and ideas of teaching and experiences that I often apply to my classes.
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Listening to spoken Japanese

I enjoyed listening to the Japanese language spoken, and trying to make myself understood in Japanese too. It gives me a greater appreciation of how difficult my students may find speaking Japanese too.
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Reviewing past lessons

The reviews of the past lessons [from the online Chinese workshops] were very valuable as they helped me to regularly consolidate my new learning. The lesson content was very relevant to my daily life which helped me to grasp concepts faster. In my practice, I will incorporate this consistent repetition to help reinforce my learners' abilities and knowledge.
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Valuable workshop experience

It was all so valuable! The workshop was interesting and practical. We left with great resources to use in the classroom as well. I wouldn't change anything - the variety of activities and presenters complemented each other. The location was comfortable and the food was delicious and generous.
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Workshop light-bulb moments

During the workshop "Unpacking the story behind the Berlin Wall," the most valuable part for me was gaining a deeper understanding of the historical context and significance of the Berlin Wall. My light-bulb moment was realising the profound impact it had on the lives of countless individuals and how it symbolised the ideological division during the Cold War.
As for the workshop on "Tracking down German Castles," the highlight for me was learning about the rich cultural heritage and architectural marvels of these castles. Discovering the diverse histories behind each castle and their role in shaping Germany's past was truly enlightening.
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Excellent ideas on Padlet

I always love the padlets that go with those workshops. There are so many excellent ideas, it is hard to decide which one is the best one.
My lightbulb moment would be to link Matariki to kite flying. I had thought about the lantern parades before but not about the kites.
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Natural Japanese speaking

Listening to the natural Japanese of our Advisor and the other Japanese national teachers was very valuable.  I need that kind of practice.  Also enjoyed making the 'Teru teru bouzu' and will probably do that with my Year 9 class soon.
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NCEA changes in Spanish

Interesting to see the NCEA changes - I am very new to NCEA so doesn't feel like a big leap to me but when they talked about comparing Maori cultural practices to Latin American cultural practices. I could see the value and ease in doing this in a languages class.
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Qué Onda radio programme

It was great to hear from Judith and Qué Onda radio programme. It will be very useful for students to have extra listening practice and also for us teachers, even for ideas for activities or texts for exams.
Even students could start their own short radio programme within their school, and prepare articles, news, etc. This would take time to organise but it can be beneficial too.
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Furoshiki workshop

I recently had the privilege of hosting our Japanese advisor, Kaori Fukazawa, who introduced my high school Japanese classes to the fascinating world of furoshiki. She brought along an assortment of beautifully patterned furoshiki cloths and the highlight of the session was undoubtedly the hands-on activity that followed. Beyond the technical aspects, the furoshiki experience provided my students with valuable life skills. They learned about sustainability and the eco-friendly nature of furoshiki as a reusable alternative to single-use wrapping materials.
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Meeting Language Teachers

Meeting with other language teachers is always refreshing and reassuring. Great ideas to take away and can apply to your teaching.
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Cross-Cultural Understanding for Chinese

I am excited to incorporate these new learnings into my teachings and continue to foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation among our diverse student body.
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Reminder NZ Curriculum

[The workshop] was a great reminder to refer to the NZ Curriculum, the Ellis Principles, and the importance of the incorporation of cultural norms into my practice as well as the importance of making lessons 'real' for students and providing a gap for them to get information from each other.
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Increasing Target Languages

Lots of the content from today's workshop I find very useful to me. Personally it was a great reminder to me that there is a lot more I can do in my classroom. Examples such as making tasks more meaningful and authentic, don't be afraid of making mistakes and increase the input of target language in teaching, and learning different cultures together with the kids ect. I will definitely incorporate many of the valuable ideas from today's PLD into my practice.
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Spanish Benefits

Spanish enables me to think from a different perspective allowing mental flexibility and different ways of solving problems for my work.
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Love of Language

Initially I just thought it seemed like a fun language and a useful one to learn given the large number or countries where it's spoken, and then as I learnt more I just fell in love with how gorgeous of a language it is and wanted to keep discovering more of it and perfecting it.
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Great Support through PLD

Thanks so much for your support throughout this year and constantly adding more ideas or feedback with new resources or things I could try instead. It's great to receive information and ideas from yourselves and other language teachers. I will apply for another PLD for next year! Thanks again!
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Latin America and Reflexive Verbs

I plan to use reflexive verbs with the students for them to compare a day in the life of a New Zealander and someone from Latin America.
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Maori Legends in Spanish

I plan to incorporate Maori legends into the Spanish classroom.
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German History

There was a number of activities that are really appealing and easy enough to implement, like the blindfolded food degustation to learn adjectives (describing texture and taste), introducing Handball (particularly good for last period) and putting a radio show together (for senior students). I really liked the movie about an escape from East Germany and plan to show it to my senior students when talking about German history.
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Exciting Year

I don't think you can describe an experience using just 2 or 3 words. I would say this year has been really exciting, I have developed a lot of teaching skills as well as coaching skills (coaching for one school's football team), and I got to meet new people.
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Shared Experiences

The general discussion of the teachers who took part which led to the realisation that the difficulties I am experiencing are also shared by other teachers.
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Face to Face Facilitator

I enjoy having face to face contact with a facilitator in a group situation and feel that a full day is beneficial and allows plenty of time for discussion and activities without the presenter having to rush.
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Excellent Resources and Activities

The whole presentation was engaging and the resources and activities presented were excellent. We had a lot of opportunities to try out, and understand the activities and discuss how we could apply them in our classes. I will definitely include many of them.
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Student Equity

Know my students, help provide equity ensuring all students are seen as individuals who have potential and it is my job to help them reach their full potential.
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Learning Difficulty Tools

I have increased the tools in my toolbox to help students who have learning difficulties. I hope to keep using and adding on to these.
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Fighting for Language and Culture

Through the process, it helped me to think differently, plan more carefully, and respond to students more strategically. To keep thriving. To keep adding to my kete of knowledge. To be fierce in the education sector and fight for what's right for your language and culture.
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New Ways of Benefiting the Learners

Teaching is all about trying out new ways for the benefit of the learners. There isn't any one-size-fits-all method as our learners are all unique and different.
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Tongan Lanuage

As a new teacher teaching the Tongan language for the first time, this really helped a lot with giving me some ideas to implement in my teaching and make the subject interesting for students.
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Strategy of Spoken Language

My knowledge has vastly improved in terms of strategies I can use and that my students can use to use more spoken language in the classroom. The next challenge is to make it meaningful and not just do it for the sake of it.
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Target Language

I'm more confident now as the programme helped me to navigate multilevel classes, through interactive activities that the students are able to participate in using the Target Language.
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French TEMP

The facilitators from Learning Circle helped my french become better than I had imagined I was capable of. I have a newfound confidence in how well I'll be able to interact with the public for my upcoming move to Lyon.
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As a languages teacher, it is important

As a languages teacher, it is important for me to keep on learning another language so that I can explore various second language acquisition theories and put them into practice.
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Poipoia te pā harakeke
He puāwaitanga anamata

Through nurturing learners, educators, leaders and communities, our future will flourish.

Our Vision

National Language Adviser Support

We provide professional development in language teaching pedagogy across all languages. Our National Language Advisers provide language & cultural support to teachers of the languages below:


Bienvenue! Explore our French programmes and workshops and meet our French National Language adviser!

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Explore our upcoming Chinese programmes and workshops and meet our Chinese National Language adviser!

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Bienvenido! Explore our Spanish programmes and workshops and meet our Spanish National Language adviser!

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Explore our German programmes and workshops and meet our German National Language adviser!

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Explore our Japanese programmes and workshops and meet our Japanese National Language adviser!

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