Professional Learning
About Us
Mō mātou
Whakapā mai
Educational Leadership
Empowering school leadership
Māori Education & Support
Kaupapa Māori
Pacific-Led Education
Cultural competencies
Languages, Culture & Identity
Learning languages
Mō mātou

About Us

Tui Tuia | Learning Circle empowers Kāhui Ako, kaiako, teachers, school leaders and tumuaki to achieve better outcomes for students and learners.

School leaders

Educational Leadership

To grow a thriving village of leaders.

Kaupapa Māori

Māori Education & Support

Our kaiwhakaruruhau specialise in facilitating kaupapa Māori professional learning and development.

All languages are to be treasured

Languages, Culture & Identity

We offer programmes, workshops, in-person classroom support, online support and resources to help strengthen language learning in New Zealand schools.

Cultural competencies

Pacific-Led Education

Empowering educators, students, and communities to shape a future of educational excellence that is firmly rooted in Pacific identity and aspirations.

Improving instructional dexterity

Literacy and Numeracy

We work with schools to build the literacy and numeracy capability of school leaders and teachers to accelerate learning outcomes for all students.

Teacher Aide Professional Learning

We now offer relevant, high quality, culturally responsive PLD to support Kaiāwhina / Teacher Aides / Learning Assistants in their role.

Upholding and increasing the mana of Kaiāwhina Teacher Aides

Kaiāwhina in Aotearoa New Zealand play a vital role in schools by supporting students’ learning and wellbeing. With the right training and support, they can significantly enhance outcomes for all ākonga.

We now offer relevant, high quality, culturally responsive  PLD to support Kaiāwhina / Teacher Aides / Learning Assistants in their role. We have partnered with Kohia Centre, leveraging our combined capabilities and experience in education and wellbeing, to deliver PLD aligned with the skills and competencies needed to be effective in this role.

awheawhe e haere ake nei

Explore our upcoming courses & workshops

Upgrade your skills and knowledge as a Teacher Aide / Learning Assistant with our courses and workshops!
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Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
Teacher Aide

Introduction to Universal Design for Learning

Applying the principles of UDL enables equity in education and reduces barriers to education in the classroom and in the mindset of educators. Teacher Aides will be able to address the needs of their students following UDL.

On Demand
Supporting Students from Different Language Backgrounds
Teacher Aide

Supporting Students from Different Language Backgrounds

Kia ora Kaiāwhina Teacher Aides! Learn how to best support students from different language backgrounds in this online workshop, which can be funded by the Ministry of Education.

On Demand
Using Oral Language to Support Student Learning and Development
Teacher Aide

Using Oral Language to Support Student Learning and Development

This course will help you identify some strategies for using quality talk with students to promote their thinking and learning.

Understanding Anxiety in Children and Adolescents
Teacher Aide

Understanding Anxiety in Children and Adolescents

Learn to recognise and understand common types of anxiety that students of all ages may be experiencing as well as the triggers that contribute to student anxiety.

Teacher Aides Supporting Early Readers and Writers
Teacher Aide

Teacher Aides Supporting Early Readers and Writers

This course supports Teacher Aides to understand reading and writing processes and provides knowledge and strategies to enable them to interact with students in a way that maximises learning.

Developing Professional Skills and Practice
Teacher Aide

Developing Professional Skills and Practice

A practical knowledge building workshop focused on understanding the Teacher Aide role and developing a toolbox of skills and strategies to enhance the effectiveness of student learning.

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Before applying

  • Check that you meet the criteria for Kaiāwhina Teacher Aide PLDs.
  • Discuss the PLD you're interested in with your supervisor to ensure it meets the criteria for any competency area. You will need to seek approval from your tumuaki principal or supervisor.
  • Set up an Educational Sector Logon (ESL) and fill in the application form. You will need:

    - the email address of the person approving your PLD
    - your Ministry employee number and your school number (this can be found on your pay slip)

During application

  • Apply for the funding for your PLD through the online form. You will have the option to choose from the following application type:

    - Set Category
    - Open Category
    - Self-directed Inquiry
  • The Ministry of Education will receive and and process your application.

After application

  • When your application is approved, you and your approver will receive notification of approval. Approvers will be asked to contact the Ministry if they do not endorse the original application.
  • Upon receipt of approval notification, you can contact us (the PLD provider) to enrol in the PLD. You will need to supply us with:
    - your application reference number as confirmation of your funding AND
    - a copy of your application approval confirmation email
  • Once your PLD has been completed, your school or kura will be reimbursed for your attendance time (wage costs) and any travel and accommodation costs they have incurred for you as recorded in your application.

Poipoia te pā harakeke
He puāwaitanga anamata

Through nurturing learners, educators, leaders and communities, our future will flourish.

Our Vision
He kaupapa anō tāu?

Need help creating or enhancing your PLD plan?

We can create bespoke course offerings to suit you and your school or kura's needs. Get in touch with us today so we can tailor our approach in helping you and your learning community!

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