Cultural capability
We can support you with bespoke PLD to implement culturally sustaining practices that support all ākonga to live by their cultural heritage and identity.

Māori Education and Support
Standard course
1 year
Face to face
Northland | Tai Tokerau
Ministry funded
About the course
We can support you with bespoke PLD to implement culturally sustaining practices that support all ākonga to live by their cultural heritage and identity; fulfill the needs of policy drivers such as Tātaiako and Ka Hikitia; and enable rich learning environments where Māori learners achieve education success as Māori.
We can help you with:
• Aotearoa NZ Histories
• Te Tiriti o Waitangi
• Local curriculum
• Cultural narratives
• Unconscious bias and unteaching racism
• Te reo Māori
• Māori education and planning.
Our bespoke hybrid learning approach allows us to call on the range of tools and frameworks, such as Te Kōtahitanga, and Hikairo Schema. Our experienced team of educators and facilitators tailor our support to meeting your current policy and legislative requirements as a school or kāhui ako.
To find out more email
Register here
To enquire about cultural capability support for your organisation, please get in touch using the button below and our team will we back in touch as soon as possible.
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