Māpura: Gifted Ākonga
Māpura is the glint, the spark of awakening and wonder in the eye of an engaged ākonga. It represents the shining quality of educational experience we seek for all learners, and speaks to the environment and structures required to enable and sustain this quality for mokopuna and ākonga. Māpura addresses the specific needs of gifted ākonga Māori and Pasifika, grounded in Māori and Pasifika worldviews, and centring indigenous knowledge, culture, and language.

Māori Education and Support
Cultural Capability
Pacific-Led Education
1 year
Face to face
Northland | Tai Tokerau
Ministry funded
Māpura provides a comprehensive support package for schools and kura to identify and develop programmes for gifted Māori and Pasifika learners and employs a pūmanawa | tāleni-centered approach. Māpura’s goals include enhancing the understanding of effective teaching strategies in identifying giftedness, improving responsiveness to gifted learners’ needs, and promoting holistic well-being in view of giftedness. By participating in Māpura, schools and kura can engage with a rich, culturally relevant educational experience that supports the diverse gifts and talents of Māori and Pasifika learners.
About the course
The Māpura initiative is a support package that will provide a range of additional learning opportunities designed to meet the diverse gifts and exceptional talents of Māori and Pasifika gifted learners, including their social and emotional needs.
Māpura takes a pūmanawa | tāleni centered approach to the desired outcome of Māori and Pasifika ākonga, identified as gifted, enjoying and achieving education success as Māori and Pasifika; and to assist all ākonga to experience and recognise their pūmanawa success associated with identified needs.
Māpura PLD will:
- Upskill one teacher from each selected school or kura. Teachers/kaiako will be provided with support materials, resources, and training,
- Help communicate, and consult with whānau, and the school community to develop a shared understanding of giftedness for Māori and Pasifika for their community
- Work together with the school community to ensure that the curriculum is rich, meaningful, and tailored to the unique needs and talents of gifted Māori and Pasifika learners.
- Enable schools and kura to continue to develop awareness of the particular social and emotional characteristics of Māori and Pasifika gifted ākonga and promote their holistic wellbeing.
As a result of participation in the Māpura programme, we expect that:
- Māori and Pasifika Gifted learners will begin to report improvements in their emotional/social and overall well-being as well as having their learning needs met.
- Gifted learners who are Māori and Pasifika begin to report that they are supported as Māori or as Pasifika.
- Parents, communities and whānau are empowered to make positive decisions about learning options for their gifted tamariki
- Schools and kura use tools and planning resources to improve their in-setting responsiveness to Māori and Pasifika gifted learners
- Teachers and kaiako in schools and kura better understand the kinds of learning opportunities they can design with and for their Māori and Pasifika gifted learners.

Targeted supports will be delivered in a range of ways according to the Pūmanawa Mokopuna Māori and Pasifika framework:
- In-person one day wānanga for lead kaiako of selected schools and kura, in Te Tai Tokerau (Northland) and in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland).
- Cluster hui series, including online learning clusters, for lead kaiako of selected schools and kura.
- A range of digital resources for schools and kura. This support is available for up to 500 kaiako across Aotearoa.

This is PLD fully-funded by the Ministry of Education.
Register here
Express your interest for Māpura 2025
Register here to express your interest in this PLD for our in-person or online clusters and receive free access to our Pātaka full of digital rauemi for schools and kura! Our kaiwhakaruruhau/facilitators will then be in touch with more information.
31 March Webinar - Introductory Huitopa
4 - 4.30pm
Zoom link to be sent to confirmed participants.
2 April Webinar - Introductory Huitopa
4 - 4.30pm
Zoom link to be sent to confirmed participants.
7 April Webinar - Engage whānau in supporting their gifted and talented ākong
Please only register if you have attended the Intro Huitopa webinar
Zoom link to be sent to confirmed participants
8 April Webinar- Engage whānau in supporting their gifted and talented ākonga
Please only register if you have attended the Intro Huitopa webinar
Zoom link to be sent to confirmed participants
9 April Webinar - Engage whānau in supporting their gifted and talented ākonga
Please only register if you have attended the Intro Huitopa webinar
Zoom link to be sent to confirmed participants
10 April Webinar - Engage whānau in supporting their gifted and talented ākonga
Please only register if you have attended the Intro Huitopa webinar
Zoom link to be sent to confirmed participants
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