Professional Learning
About Us
Mō mātou
Whakapā mai
Educational Leadership
Empowering school leadership
Māori Education & Support
Kaupapa Māori
Pacific-Led Education
Cultural competencies
Languages, Culture & Identity
Learning languages
Mō mātou

About Us

Tui Tuia | Learning Circle empowers Kāhui Ako, kaiako, teachers, school leaders and tumuaki to achieve better outcomes for students and learners.

School leaders

Educational Leadership

To grow a thriving village of leaders.

Kaupapa Māori

Māori Education & Support

Our kaiwhakaruruhau specialise in facilitating kaupapa Māori professional learning and development.

All languages are to be treasured

Languages, Culture & Identity

We offer programmes, workshops, in-person classroom support, online support and resources to help strengthen language learning in New Zealand schools.

Cultural competencies

Pacific-Led Education

Empowering educators, students, and communities to shape a future of educational excellence that is firmly rooted in Pacific identity and aspirations.

Improving instructional dexterity

Literacy and Numeracy

We work with schools to build the literacy and numeracy capability of school leaders and teachers to accelerate learning outcomes for all students.



See our diverse range of services aimed at transforming education and fostering a flourishing future for our next generation.


Professional learning and development

We offer professional learning and development (PLD) focused on the education sector. Our purpose is to enable sustainable and beneficial social, cultural and environmental impacts, using current and evidence-based learnings from Waipapa Tamata Rau, the University of Auckland.

We work closely with Government agencies managing professional development for educators that include:

• asynchronous, blended and facilitated Professional Learning and Development (PLD),
• PLD programme design,
• e-learning (and traditional) resource development for Learning Management Systems (LMS),
• event management for PLD,
• programme/project management and administration, and
• consultation and Professional Expertise.


Our Professional
Learning Offerings

Our team is dedicated to empowering school leaders as they pursue excellent and equitable outcomes for their students. Through research-informed and highly practical leadership development offerings, we work to affirm, challenge and enhance the skills and knowledge of school leaders at all career stages.

Aotearoa New Zealand

  • Providing engaging, research-informed leadership development opportunities for leaders at all career stages - middle, senior, principal, and system leadership.
  • Offering high quality, bespoke leadership learning to individuals and school leadership teams.
  • Working in partnership with Kāhui Ako to meet their community’s unique leadership development challenges.
  • Empowering leaders to build relationships while doing the work required to achieve excellent and equitable outcomes for all students.
  • Providing flexible and engaging modes of learning - face to face, online and blended. 
  • Equipping school leaders with the skills and knowledge required to effectively lead improvement in their context.

Around the world

  • Designing and delivering bespoke leadership development offerings to gain excellent and equitable outcomes for all students.
  • Offering high quality leadership learning to individuals and school leadership teams.
  • Equipping school leaders with the skills and knowledge required to effectively lead improvement in their context.
  • Providing flexible and engaging modes of learning - face toface, online and blended. 
  • Working in partnership with education authorities to meet their system’s contextually unique leadership development challenges.
  • Enhancing the leadership capabilities and understandings of senior school and system leaders. 
  • Supporting the career development of teachers and leaders at all stages of their professional life.
facilitator at a podium facilitating a workshop

For international schools

Our team is dedicated to empowering school leaders as they pursue excellent and equitable outcomes for their students - no matter where your team is based around the world. We provide flexible, professional PLD delivery using the the best tools and user-friendly eLearning systems.

Through research-informed and highly practical leadership development offerings, we work to affirm, challenge and enhance the skills and knowledge of school leaders at all career stages.

Please get in touch with us using the button below to enquire about our PLD delivery options for international schools.

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Resource development

Great teaching begins with great resources. We take pride in developing innovative and engaging learning resources for educators.

We collaborate with designers, artists, videographers, language and subject matter experts to create resources that cater to various learning styles and languages. From interactive digital content to hands-on activities, our resources are designed to inspire educators and enrich the learning experience for students.

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Professional Learning Grants

Offering grants to educators for training and development purposes is a strategic investment in the quality of education.  It empowers educators to stay updated with the latest teaching methodologies, technologies, and best practices, fostering a culture of lifelong learning. This continuous development translates into more effective teaching, improved student outcomes, and a more engaging classroom environment.

Investing in educator training through grants contributes to the overall improvement of the education system, ensuring that students receive the highest quality of instruction and are better prepared for the challenges of the future. Please see below for our available grants and apply for those that may suit your current needs.

Mentoring and support

We offer personalised mentoring and support to help teachers and school leaders flourish in their role. Our experienced facilitators can help to bridge the gap between theory and practice by sharing real-world insights and experiences. They can help you to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles, build your cultural capability and achieve your full potential in your role.

To learn more about our mentoring opportunities, please contact us so we can work with you to create a bespoke plan that meets your needs.

Prepare for the future with quality professional learning and development

We have an expert team of kaiwhakaruruhau and facilitators delivering research-based PLD across a wide range of areas of focus to serve you, your team, and your kura or school.

Ko ngā kōrero angitū

Making an impact

Hear from educators whose practice have been positively impacted by our innovative approach to learning and professional development.

Birdwood School's expanded approach to literacy

“We wanted to prioritise the older tamariki who missed out on literacy with Covid and interruptions to kura. We worked with Year Two and Year Three classes first and a Year One/Two class for the latter part of the year. Having that flexibility and being able to look at where the greatest need is has helped us implement something we think really works.

Over time we’ve noticed a change in the disposition of students, and a positive approach to opportunities. You’ll now find them reading on their own and going to the library by choice. This, for me as a kura leader, is absolutely outstanding and even more important than the data because it’s changing their mindset for the future.
It has been exceptional, not just for the classroom kaiako but, by osmosis, for the other adults in the room so we’ve been able to grow our pouāwhina āwhina in the classroom as well.

- Vikki Rihari, Principal

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Michigan State University Study Tour

“We are very grateful to you and the Tui Tuia Learning Circle team for all the support and assistance provided to the MSU Global EPLP participants over the past several months. The collaborative efforts involved in planning, organizing, and preparing for the October New Zealand field experience resulted in a very successful 2023 program.

The positive comments and sincere expressions of appreciation made during our wrap-up call yesterday are indicative of the impact of this years’ experience. Thanks again for your efforts and your friendship.  We look forward to future collaboration opportunities.” 

Dan Schultz, MSU College of Education

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Excellent Reading Recovery experience

We have found the Reading Recovery experience excellent. Communication has been fantastic and we have felt very well-supported to encourage Jack's reading at home and continue his learning with us. Jack's reading has improved immensely and without the RR, we believe he would have struggled with reading throughout the year and this would have led to him being frustrated and distracted.,
However, because of his learning with the Reading Recovery teacher, he is committed and has applied himself, he has enjoyed reading at home and has become confident in his ability. We can't thank you enough, for supporting Jack and allowing him the opportunity with Reading Recovery. Thank you so much!

Belinda Whyte, Parent - Ōhau School

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Fresh, passionate and personable approach to PLD

"Our school has worked alongside Marian for a number of years now.  She understands the challenges and pitfalls for our staff and works hard to support, encourage and resource our team on our individual and collective journeys.  Because of her fresh, passionate and personable approach to PLD, we are always excited to see what new learning she has in store for us all."

Michelle Brown, Principal Waipipi School

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Hands-on modelling and support

"Otaika Valley School had the privilege of working with Dr Lisa Watson last year developing our Te Reo school wide programme. Lisa immediately put all teachers and myself as principal at ease as developing learners. The hands-on modelling and support within classrooms was a standout and transformed into a commitment and confidence for all."

Terry Brock, Principal, Otaika Valley School

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Grounded in whanaungatanga and manaakitanga

"Taradale Intermediate has had the honour of having Sharron Fabish as part of our whānau at Taradale Intermediate for the past 7 years. Sharron has worked alongside our kaiako, guiding, mentoring and facilitating the journey we have been on with Te Reo and Te Ao Māori and a specific focus in the past 2 years of developing our Culturally Responsive and Relational Pedagogy.  Sharron’s approach is grounded in whanaungatanga and manaakitanga which has brought about a passion and a commitment, in our kaiako, to be part of this challenge to make a real difference in the lives of our ākonga."

Robyn Eddy, Acting Principal Taradale Intermediate

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Equitable Learning Space

I am better able to provide an equitable learning space for students.
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Non-believer to avid supporter

"So from a Principal that was a non believer on arrival to now a Principal that now has a teacher in training (to ensure sustainability and continue to share the program across the school), a believer that it certainly gives our students a fighting chance, and closes the learning gaps as they move on, I definitely support it!"

Clara Tuifao, Principal - St Michael's School, TAITA

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Principal Wellbeing PLD

"It's scientific, it's based on evidence, and it's tailored. The lens is a Principal CEO lens so it's mindful of the many balls that we have in the air. I really like how it's linked to science and physiology and anatomy and that speaks to me. It is really evidence-based and it references medical journals. It's very practical; I feel like I've left the sessions with really pragmatic things that I can implement straight away and it's actually had an impact on me straight away."

Paula Wine, Principal/Tumuaki of Woodstock Primary School, Hamilton

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Good Leadership Knowledge

I have achieved a good knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of leadership.
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Amazed at his progress

"I recently had the opportunity of observing our Reading Recovery teacher working with a student that I had referred. I was amazed at his progress. When I first sat down with this student, he had very little phonological and phonemic awareness. His learning was inconsistent, and he was often unable to know letters and sounds from one day to the next. Now this student has many tools in his Kete. He is able to decode unknown sounds and words thus reading bigger words. He now comprehends what he is reading and is able to add intonation while he reads. Probably the biggest achievement and the one that he is most proud of is his ability to write short stories."

Sally Van der Weele - Learning Support Co-ordinator at Plateau Primary, Te Mārua, Upper Hutt

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Hugely valuable

I recently attended the two-day Open to Learning Leadership workshop and found it to be hugely valuable.

It provided me with a framework to explore my own beliefs and how they inform my actions (or inactions) and therefore the way in which I engage in conversations, or perhaps avoid conversations.  It challenged me around the ‘undiscussables’ that exist within groups and organisations, and how we owe our colleagues the respect of surfacing these in a respectful way but perhaps don’t always have the tools to do this.

Celia Fleck

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Positive Leadership

I learned a lot about positive and effective leadership within the education sphere, and what a good leader looks, sounds, and feels like within a school. I also got to network with lots of other teachers who shared their experiences and situations with me and had lots of advice and encouragement to share.
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Cultural responsiveness

“Developing cultural responsiveness in our teaching practices empowers our educators to enhance their understanding for our young Pasifika children, families and communities. It’s important for us to be aware of our interactions to empower our Pasifika families to know they have a place”.

Deborah Jones, Head Teacher, Irongate Kindergarten

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Mātauranga Māori with Dr Lisa Watson

The PLD with Dr Lisa Watson has significantly improved the teacher's knowledge of Mātauranga Māori, therefore broadening ākonga/students’ Mātauranga Māori. The knowledge that Lisa shared was invaluable. This improved teaching and learning programmes because teachers had a much better understanding of the topics.  Lisa also shared many excellent resources that teachers were able to use in their classroom programmes. This had a very positive effect on ākonga/students’ engagement and outcomes.  
Dr Lisa facilitated in the planning of Social Sciences and Science units of learning based on the Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories curriculum, which has been of huge benefit. She has removed the hurdles, and the deficits that some teachers may have previously had. In addition to the work with teachers, Lisa worked with school leadership to develop a Māori Education Plan; she has also worked alongside us with the local schools and hāpū (Ngāti Rēhia) to begin developing a plan and set of resources for the local schools.  Her input has been invaluable and will certainly impact on the lives of our ākonga/students now and in years to come.

Alison Ayr, Deputy Principal, Riverview School

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Padlet Resources

Just lots of practical, accessible activities and ideas that I can use in the classroom. Great bank of resources in the Padlet. Great cultural resources shared.
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Warm and welcoming

Alexandra has a very warm and welcoming nature and is able to connect people. She is also very well organised and presents her innovative ideas such as the Stofftaschenproject clearly.

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Understanding Leadership

I have been able to deepen my understanding on Leadership, understand the new research and build a good ground on which to inspire my team.
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Inspiring Workshop

It's so inspiring and I really learn more from it. I really enjoy attending every single online Workshop or face-to-face ones.

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Power Point Tools

A different way of using powerpoint presentations by creating jigsaw pieces and hiding them for students to find and put together.  I have not used it in this way before, so this is a new tool in my kete.
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Best professional learning experience

Linda and her team led one of best professional learning experiences I have been involved with in my many roles in secondary schools. The Growing Great Leaders Level 1 course has given me clear artefacts in the form of templates and flow charts to use in a range of situations. I would highly recommend this course to all leadership teams to engage with.

Martin Bennett

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Poipoia te pā harakeke
He puāwaitanga anamata

Through nurturing learners, educators, leaders and communities, our future will flourish.

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