Te Reo Matatini
Ko te reo Māori te kākahu o te whakaaro, te huarahi ki te ao tūroa. Tā Hēmi Henare, 1984

Māori Education and Support
Standard course
Teacher Aide
Face to face
Northland | Tai Tokerau
Te Reo Matatini involves accelerating learning in te reo Matatini with ākonga who require extra support.
About the course
This PLD is offered to Māori Medium kura in classrooms with programmes involving a specialist kaiwhakaruruhau (facilitator) working with ākonga, their kaiako and whānau.
This PLD will help kaiako identify ākonga who will participate in the programme, with assessments to identify the areas that need addressing (i.e., hot spots). Student progress is carefully monitored with regular reports provided to kaiako and whānau.
Meet the facilitators
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