Aroha is a Kaiwhakarurukau for Tui Tuia I Learning Circle's Te Whānau Maioha Team
Aroha graduated with a Teaching Degree from Christchurch College of Education concurrently with Te Tohu Paetahi Ako with Te Wananga o Awanuiarangi.
She has 20 years teaching experience as an Educator in Te Kohanga Reo, Early Childhood Education and Maori Medium in Primary. She also has 10 years experience in management roles as an Early Childhood Centre manager, Team Leader and Deputy Principal.
Her skills include;
* Te Reo Matatini planning programs in ECE, TKKM, Reorua and Auraki kura
* Cultural Responsive Practice in School Policy & Practice
* Student Assessment & Data Analysis
* Student Behaviour Management
* Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
We can create bespoke course offerings to suit you and your school/kura's needs. Get in touch with us today so we can tailor our approach in helping you and your learning community!