Professional Learning
About Us
Mō mātou
Whakapā mai
Educational Leadership
Empowering school leadership
Māori Education & Support
Kaupapa Māori
Pacific-Led Education
Cultural competencies
Languages, Culture & Identity
Learning languages
Mō mātou

About Us

Tui Tuia | Learning Circle empowers Kāhui Ako, kaiako, teachers, school leaders and tumuaki to achieve better outcomes for students and learners.

School leaders

Educational Leadership

To grow a thriving village of leaders.

Kaupapa Māori

Māori Education & Support

Our kaiwhakaruruhau specialise in facilitating kaupapa Māori professional learning and development.

All languages are to be treasured

Languages, Culture & Identity

We offer programmes, workshops, in-person classroom support, online support and resources to help strengthen language learning in New Zealand schools.

Cultural competencies

Pacific-Led Education

Empowering educators, students, and communities to shape a future of educational excellence that is firmly rooted in Pacific identity and aspirations.

Improving instructional dexterity

Literacy and Numeracy

We work with schools to build the literacy and numeracy capability of school leaders and teachers to accelerate learning outcomes for all students.

A tātou

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Tofilau Niulēvāea Dr Siliva Gaugatao


Dr Siliva is an experienced facilitator with sixteen years of experience leading school-wide Professional Learning Development (PLD). He specialises in schooling improvement through collaborative problem-solving, curriculum design and culturally sustaining practices. Siliva takes an appreciative inquiry approach that empowers teachers and leaders to achieve transformational outcomes for learners, parents and families. 

As languages facilitator, Siliva coordinated the writing of the Senior Secondary Guides for Cook Islands Māori, Lea Faka-Tonga, Gagana Sāmoa, and Vagahau Niue. He was also part of a research team of four that reviewed and redesigned the inaugural SamoanReading Assessment Tool (Anofale) for an Auckland Samoan Bilingual Cluster. Siliva’s doctoral thesis explores the engagement of Samoan fathers and male caregivers at parent-teacher conferences (PSTs) in New Zealand secondary schools.

From 2018 to 2020, Siliva worked with over 100 education leaders and teachers from Saudi Arabia through face to face and online coaching to transform education back home in Saudi Arabia. He has also co-led a support programme for Provisionally Registered Teachers (PCTs) at the University of Auckland for four years. Siliva is also connected with his Samoan, Pacific and various communities. He is the chair for Fotu o Mālama (Association for teachers of Samoan language in NZ for secondary and tertiary) and worked closely with the Ministry of Pacific Peoples (MPP) and church communities. Siliva has also worked and toured with the National Youth Choir of NZ.


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