This is an excellent place to begin your journey. We suggest you read this short paper and using a highlighter, outline the main messages and points that resonate with the needs of your ākonga.
When this paper was presented Pita Mahaki (Tohu Matauranga Maori, Dip Tchg, Post Grad Diploma in Ed) was Head of Maori Studies and Dean of Māori Students at Waiheke High School.
Pita’s tribe is Tuhoe and his hapu is Ngati Rongo. His wife Claire Mahaki (Bachelor Matauranga Māori Te Wananga o Raukawa, Dip Tchg, Post Grad Diploma in Ed) was Head of Learning Programmes at Waiheke High School.
Both Pita and Claire have been in Māori education over the last 15 years, working in immersion and bilingual classes in mainstream schools. Their experience covers both primary and secondary school and over a long period of time they have developed the concepts in this paper which form the basis of their teaching philosophy and pedagogy.
They were both completing their Masters Degrees with a focus on Māori and gifted and developing a teaching model for Māori achievement.
Activity using Betts and Neidhart profiles chart which has been based on Mahaki and Mahaki (2007)
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
A reflective tool from MoE's "Gifted and talented students meeting their needs in New Zealand Schools", which has been based on Mahaki and Mahaki (2007).
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
Angus Macfarlane adapted on the work of Jill Bevan-Brown (1996)
Understanding of concepts in relation to giftedness, as expanded meanings, and implications of the concept
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
See chart here. Do a stock-take of the school / kura current environment:
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
The Educultural Wheel developed by Angus Macfarlane (2004) in 'Kia hiwa ra! ' has been developed as a framework expanded for The Hikairo Schema for Primary or Secondary: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning (2021: NZCER Press).
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
In MoE's "Gifted and talented students meeting their needs in New Zealand Schools", Angus Macfarlane adapted on the the work of Jill Bevan-Brown (1996) and Mahaki and Mahaki (2007)
Understanding of concepts in relation to giftedness, as expanded meanings, and implications of the concept. Use this chart to complete the activity below.
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
This is an excellent place to begin your journey. We suggest you read this short paper and using a highlighter, outline the main messages and points that resonate with the needs of your ākonga.
When this paper was presented Pita Mahaki (Tohu Matauranga Maori, Dip Tchg, Post Grad Diploma in Ed) was Head of Maori Studies and Dean of Māori Students at Waiheke High School.
Pita’s tribe is Tuhoe and his hapu is Ngati Rongo. His wife Claire Mahaki (Bachelor Matauranga Māori Te Wananga o Raukawa, Dip Tchg, Post Grad Diploma in Ed) was Head of Learning Programmes at Waiheke High School.
Both Pita and Claire have been in Māori education over the last 15 years, working in immersion and bilingual classes in mainstream schools. Their experience covers both primary and secondary school and over a long period of time they have developed the concepts in this paper which form the basis of their teaching philosophy and pedagogy.
They were both completing their Masters Degrees with a focus on Māori and gifted and developing a teaching model for Māori achievement.
Activity using Betts and Neidhart profiles chart which has been based on Mahaki and Mahaki (2007)
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
A reflective tool from MoE's "Gifted and talented students meeting their needs in New Zealand Schools", which has been based on Mahaki and Mahaki (2007).
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
Angus Macfarlane adapted on the work of Jill Bevan-Brown (1996)
Understanding of concepts in relation to giftedness, as expanded meanings, and implications of the concept
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
See chart here. Do a stock-take of the school / kura current environment:
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
The Educultural Wheel developed by Angus Macfarlane (2004) in 'Kia hiwa ra! ' has been developed as a framework expanded for The Hikairo Schema for Primary or Secondary: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning (2021: NZCER Press).
Learning objectives and PLD intentions:
In MoE's "Gifted and talented students meeting their needs in New Zealand Schools", Angus Macfarlane adapted on the the work of Jill Bevan-Brown (1996) and Mahaki and Mahaki (2007)
Understanding of concepts in relation to giftedness, as expanded meanings, and implications of the concept. Use this chart to complete the activity below.
Learning objectives and PLD intentions: