Professional Learning
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Educational Leadership
Empowering school leadership
Māori Education & Support
Kaupapa Māori
Pacific-Led Education
Cultural competencies
Languages, Culture & Identity
Learning languages
Mō mātou

About Us

Tui Tuia | Learning Circle empowers Kāhui Ako, kaiako, teachers, school leaders and tumuaki to achieve better outcomes for students and learners.

School leaders

Educational Leadership

To grow a thriving village of leaders.

Kaupapa Māori

Māori Education & Support

Our kaiwhakaruruhau specialise in facilitating kaupapa Māori professional learning and development.

All languages are to be treasured

Languages, Culture & Identity

We offer programmes, workshops, in-person classroom support, online support and resources to help strengthen language learning in New Zealand schools.

Cultural competencies

Pacific-Led Education

Empowering educators, students, and communities to shape a future of educational excellence that is firmly rooted in Pacific identity and aspirations.

Improving instructional dexterity

Literacy and Numeracy

We work with schools to build the literacy and numeracy capability of school leaders and teachers to accelerate learning outcomes for all students.

Māpura: Gifted Ākonga Māori and Pasifika Pātaka Rauemi

November 19, 2024

Our Pātaka Rauemi, is a digital storehouse, which is a cornerstone of our support system for schools. It’s designed to be a robust source of knowledge and resources.

The metaphor of the Pātaka is integral to understanding our approach. In te ao Māori, a Pātaka is a storehouse that safeguards valuable resources. In the same spirit, our Pātaka Rauemi preserves and shares educational treasures, ensuring they are accessible to those who seek them.

With Pātaka Rauemi, we’re not just providing resources; we’re nurturing a community of shared knowledge and continuous learning. It’s a place where wisdom is stored, shared, and celebrated.

Asynchronous Webinars:

We offer a suite of asynchronous webinars tailored for schools and kura that require minimal support. These webinars are crafted to be self-paced, allowing educators to engage with content that resonates with their schedule and needs.

Digital Resources:

Our digital resources are capable of reaching and supporting a wider, regional audience. They are the tools that empower schools to navigate the educational landscape with confidence.

Access and Selection:

Teachers and kaiako can access and select from a wealth of PLD support material. Our rauemi includes templates, plans, units of work, readings, focus activities, identification profiles, research, and a rich array of video material.

Video Material:

The video content will span webcasts, interviews, recordings, and exemplars of effective practice, providing a visual and practical guide to educators.

Meet the Team

Wānanga keynote speakers:

Professor Melinda Webber – Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Whakaue

Melinda teaches and researches at the Faculty of Education and Social Work at The University of Auckland. She leads a number of research projects focused on better understanding the effects of Māori student motivation and academic engagement, culturally sustaining teaching, localised curricula, and enduring school-family-community partnerships for learning.

Dr Jacinta Oldehaver

Jacinta is of Tongan/Samoan/German descent who has over 15 years’ experience as a classroom teacher in the primary sector. Jacinta has worked on multiple research projects at the Woolf Fisher Research Centre which include research on NZCER Tertiary Education Strategy Frameworks; Manaiakalani Innovation and Evaluation and Outreach; Curriculum support materials research programme; SEPTA Digital learning project.

Targeted support will be delivered in a range of ways according to this Pūmanawa Mokopuna Māori and Pacific framework:

  1. In-person PLD for schools/kura with higher support needs, in the Tai Tokerau (Northland) and Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) regions, through Wānanga (workshops).
  2. PLD for schools/kura with higher support needs, via  cluster hui and professional learning groups, including distance learning clusters, for lead kaiako in both Māori medium and English medium.
  3. A range of asynchronous webinars and digital resources for schools/kura. These will be capable of supporting a wider, regional audience.

Make a start right now on a school/kura wide strengths and needs assessment.

Using the School/Kura-wide Strengths and Needs Assessment guidelines, go through each of the areas and choose one focus areas to rate where your school/kura is now on the scale of 1 - 5. Then look at where you want to be, and what you need to do to get there:

  1. PLD
  2. Procedures
  3. Resourcing
  4. Definition
  5. Identification
  6. Teacher/Kaiako practice
  7. Provision beyond the classroom

Learning objectives and PLD intentions:  

  • Tools and planning resources
  • Programme options and curriculum differentiation.
  • Teaching methods and materials for ākonga.

Download: Kura wide strengths and needs assessment

Use our Māpura template for planning your Action Plan using Māpura in your school/ kura/ECE:

  • Current State
  • PLD focus and Rationale
  • Desired State for PLD focus
  • Māpura Goals
  • Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results (SOAR) Analysis Tool

Download: Māpura gifted Māori and Pasifika: Action Plan 2024/2025

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Māpura: Gifted Ākonga Māori and Pasifika Pātaka Rauemi

Our Pātaka Rauemi, is a digital storehouse, which is a cornerstone of our support system for schools. It’s designed to be a robust source of knowledge and resources.

The metaphor of the Pātaka is integral to understanding our approach. In te ao Māori, a Pātaka is a storehouse that safeguards valuable resources. In the same spirit, our Pātaka Rauemi preserves and shares educational treasures, ensuring they are accessible to those who seek them.

With Pātaka Rauemi, we’re not just providing resources; we’re nurturing a community of shared knowledge and continuous learning. It’s a place where wisdom is stored, shared, and celebrated.

Asynchronous Webinars:

We offer a suite of asynchronous webinars tailored for schools and kura that require minimal support. These webinars are crafted to be self-paced, allowing educators to engage with content that resonates with their schedule and needs.

Digital Resources:

Our digital resources are capable of reaching and supporting a wider, regional audience. They are the tools that empower schools to navigate the educational landscape with confidence.

Access and Selection:

Teachers and kaiako can access and select from a wealth of PLD support material. Our rauemi includes templates, plans, units of work, readings, focus activities, identification profiles, research, and a rich array of video material.

Video Material:

The video content will span webcasts, interviews, recordings, and exemplars of effective practice, providing a visual and practical guide to educators.

Meet the Team

Wānanga keynote speakers:

Professor Melinda Webber – Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Whakaue

Melinda teaches and researches at the Faculty of Education and Social Work at The University of Auckland. She leads a number of research projects focused on better understanding the effects of Māori student motivation and academic engagement, culturally sustaining teaching, localised curricula, and enduring school-family-community partnerships for learning.

Dr Jacinta Oldehaver

Jacinta is of Tongan/Samoan/German descent who has over 15 years’ experience as a classroom teacher in the primary sector. Jacinta has worked on multiple research projects at the Woolf Fisher Research Centre which include research on NZCER Tertiary Education Strategy Frameworks; Manaiakalani Innovation and Evaluation and Outreach; Curriculum support materials research programme; SEPTA Digital learning project.

Targeted support will be delivered in a range of ways according to this Pūmanawa Mokopuna Māori and Pacific framework:

  1. In-person PLD for schools/kura with higher support needs, in the Tai Tokerau (Northland) and Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) regions, through Wānanga (workshops).
  2. PLD for schools/kura with higher support needs, via  cluster hui and professional learning groups, including distance learning clusters, for lead kaiako in both Māori medium and English medium.
  3. A range of asynchronous webinars and digital resources for schools/kura. These will be capable of supporting a wider, regional audience.

Make a start right now on a school/kura wide strengths and needs assessment.

Using the School/Kura-wide Strengths and Needs Assessment guidelines, go through each of the areas and choose one focus areas to rate where your school/kura is now on the scale of 1 - 5. Then look at where you want to be, and what you need to do to get there:

  1. PLD
  2. Procedures
  3. Resourcing
  4. Definition
  5. Identification
  6. Teacher/Kaiako practice
  7. Provision beyond the classroom

Learning objectives and PLD intentions:  

  • Tools and planning resources
  • Programme options and curriculum differentiation.
  • Teaching methods and materials for ākonga.

Download: Kura wide strengths and needs assessment

Use our Māpura template for planning your Action Plan using Māpura in your school/ kura/ECE:

  • Current State
  • PLD focus and Rationale
  • Desired State for PLD focus
  • Māpura Goals
  • Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results (SOAR) Analysis Tool

Download: Māpura gifted Māori and Pasifika: Action Plan 2024/2025

Home | Wānanga | Profiles Māori | Profiles Pasifika | Research: Māori |

Research: Pasifika | Presentations | Special Education | Templates