Professional Learning
About Us
Mō mātou
Whakapā mai
Educational Leadership
Empowering school leadership
Māori Education & Support
Kaupapa Māori
Pacific-Led Education
Cultural competencies
Languages, Culture & Identity
Learning languages
Mō mātou

About Us

Tui Tuia | Learning Circle empowers Kāhui Ako, kaiako, teachers, school leaders and tumuaki to achieve better outcomes for students and learners.

School leaders

Educational Leadership

To grow a thriving village of leaders.

Kaupapa Māori

Māori Education & Support

Our kaiwhakaruruhau specialise in facilitating kaupapa Māori professional learning and development.

All languages are to be treasured

Languages, Culture & Identity

We offer programmes, workshops, in-person classroom support, online support and resources to help strengthen language learning in New Zealand schools.

Cultural competencies

Pacific-Led Education

Empowering educators, students, and communities to shape a future of educational excellence that is firmly rooted in Pacific identity and aspirations.

Improving instructional dexterity

Literacy and Numeracy

We work with schools to build the literacy and numeracy capability of school leaders and teachers to accelerate learning outcomes for all students.

Kaffeeklatsch & Feierabend: 'Kia ora, Germany' - Student Exchanges as Motivation and Opportunity

Join us to hear how an exchange to Germany can serve as a powerful motivator, offering students the chance to immerse themselves in the language and culture while enhancing their learning experience.

Kaffeeklatsch & Feierabend: 'Kia ora, Germany' - Student Exchanges as Motivation and Opportunity








75 minutes







Ministry funded


The student exchange to Germany has been a rewarding experience for many students from New Zealand, fostering lasting friendships and motivating them to further develop their German skills. By applying their knowledge in real-life situations, they were able to immerse themselves in the culture they had studied in the classroom. How can more students benefit from such an exchange? In this session, we will share insights and offer practical advice for facilitating participation. Der Schüleraustausch nach Deutschland war bereits für viele Schüler:innen hier in Neuseeland ein einmaliges Erlebnis. Sie kehrten mit vielen neuen Freundschaften im Gepäck zurück und sind hochmotiviert ihr Deutsch weiter zu verbessern. Sie konnten ihre Deutschkenntnisse im “echten Leben” nutzen und in die Kultur, über die sie Klassenzimmer gelernt haben, eintauchen. Doch wie kann noch mehr Schüler:innen dieser Austausch ermöglich werden – auch wenn die eigene Schule so einen großes Projekt nicht aus eigener Kraft stemmen kann? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein?

About the course

Course information

Workshop 1

3:45- 5pm, Tuesday 4 March 2025

Workshop 2 (repeat)

6 – 7:15 pm

Tuesday 4 March 2025

Registrations open on 13 February and close on 3 March 2025.

What we will cover

The workshop provides information about:

  • Existing exchange programmes to Germany
  • The requirements that students must fulfill and how they can be best prepared for participation.
  • Experiences of students who have participated in the programme.

Der Workshop bietet Informationen über:

  • bestehende Austausch-Programme nach Deutschland
  • die Voraussetzungen, welche ihre Schüler:innen erfüllen müssen und wie sie sie bestmöglich auf die Teilnahme vorbereiten können.
  • Erfahrungen von Schüler:innen, die am Programm teilgenommen haben.

At no cost for NZ registered teachers.

Tui Tuia | Learning Circle Languages is funded to provide professional learning for provisionally and fully registered Primary, Intermediate and Secondary teachers throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Meet the facilitators
Express your interest
View dates and register
Rēhita ki konei

Register here

Kaffeeklatsch and Feierabend: 'Kia ora Germany: Student Exchanges as Motivation and Opportunity” - Workshop 1

Session 1: 3:45- 5 pm

Zoom link will be sent to registered participants.

2025-03-04 3:45 pm
2025-03-03 5:00 pm

Kaffeeklatsch and Feierabend: 'Kia ora Germany: Student Exchanges as Motivation and Opportunity” - Workshop 2

6:00 – 7:15 pm

Zoom link will be sent to registered participants.

2025-03-04 6:00 pm
2025-03-04 7:15 pm