Professional Learning
About Us
Mō mātou
Whakapā mai
Educational Leadership
Empowering school leadership
Māori Education & Support
Kaupapa Māori
Pacific-Led Education
Cultural competencies
Languages, Culture & Identity
Learning languages
Mō mātou

About Us

Tui Tuia | Learning Circle empowers Kāhui Ako, kaiako, teachers, school leaders and tumuaki to achieve better outcomes for students and learners.

School leaders

Educational Leadership

To grow a thriving village of leaders.

Kaupapa Māori

Māori Education & Support

Our kaiwhakaruruhau specialise in facilitating kaupapa Māori professional learning and development.

All languages are to be treasured

Languages, Culture & Identity

We offer programmes, workshops, in-person classroom support, online support and resources to help strengthen language learning in New Zealand schools.

Cultural competencies

Pacific-Led Education

Empowering educators, students, and communities to shape a future of educational excellence that is firmly rooted in Pacific identity and aspirations.

Improving instructional dexterity

Literacy and Numeracy

We work with schools to build the literacy and numeracy capability of school leaders and teachers to accelerate learning outcomes for all students.

Growing Great Leaders™ 2: Improving Student Outcomes

GGL™ 2: Improving Student Outcomes challenges leadership teams to work together to identify, and progress a significant student-centred improvement priority from their school.

Growing Great Leaders™ 2: Improving Student Outcomes



Growing Great Leaders





2 Days



Face to face







Schools are highly complex organisations. This demands skilled and knowledgeable teams of leaders who are ready and willing to work together to solve the challenges that inevitably arise. In doing this, they must not only lead improvement but also, build trust. Growing Great Leaders™ 2 (GGL™ 2): Improving Student Outcomes is a practical, research-informed workshop series designed specifically to address these imperatives.

About the course

Course information

Who will benefit from this course?

Growing Great Leaders™ 2 (GGL™ 2): Improving Student Outcomes is for leaders who face a challenge in their school and want to improve outcomes for students. This course is aimed at educational leaders, such as:

  • Principals
  • Deputy, Associate and Assistant Principals
  • Heads of Department
  • Heads of Faculties
  • Senior Teachers
  • Team Leaders
  • Pastoral Leaders.

It is ideal if one or more members of the leadership group completes Growing Great Leaders™ 1 (GGL™ 1) Leadership Essentials so that they have a solid theory background. This type of learning is most valuable and has the greatest impact when a team of three or more from a school attend together.

If you are interested in participating in this PLD, please register your interest using the link below.

What we will cover

GGL™ 2: Improving Student Outcomes challenges leadership teams to work together to identify, and progress a significant student-centred improvement priority from their school. This project-based approach is scaffolded with relevant theory and rich examples to promote the development of high level knowledge and skill. Course content includes strategies that enable teams to:

  • identify a significant, student-centred improvement priority in their own school
  • undertake causal inquiry and solution design
  • implement and monitor their solution, making iterative adjustments as appropriate

Workshop outline:


Completion of Growing Great Leaders™ 1 Leadership Essentials (GGL™ 1) is not a formal prerequisite, although it is recommended.  


$1450 + GST each (or 25% discount for 3 or more participants from the same school).


Feedback from previous participants

Here is what Principals both locally and internationally have to say about our facilitators and their GGL™ experience:

Growing Great Leaders™ has been a fantastic experience. It is designed and driven by educationalists who are able to clearly define for participants, in practical terms, the research underpinning outstanding school leadership.

Senior Principal | Abu Dhabi

Growing Great Leaders™ imparted the most powerful set of conceptual and practical tools to our school leadership team. Now, our leaders shared sense of purpose and clarity around what quality teaching looks like for our learners has led to more focused goal setting and richer dialogue around our work and our improvement goals.

Principal/Tumuaki | New Zealand

Growing Great Leaders™ workshops are an exceptional example of online and collaborative PLD that empowered and connected adult learners around important and practical student-centred content.

Principal | Victoria, Australia

Meet the facilitators
Download the brochure
Express your interest
View dates and register

Meet the facilitators

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